Friday, November 13, 2009

The Cherry Blossom Girl...

Have I mentioned that I love all things French and vintage? Only every time I open my mouth, I know! Well, I have been following the blog of a young Parisian woman for almost a year now. Her name is Alix, and her blog is called The Cherry Blossom Girl. If you have never been to her blog (and you may have, as I guess she's quite a famous blogger in France) you must go immediately! Her blog is written in French, but Anglophones needn't worry, as there's a translation following each post.

Alix is a graduate of a Paris school of fashion, where she studied haute couture (I know, right...jealous!) and fashion design. Her eye for "Paris street-style" certainly shines through in each of her photos, where she shows off her outfits as she goes galavanting about her city. Alix has an uncanny ability to see the beauty in literally EVERYTHING! If you would scoff, and pass it by, Alix would sigh and take a photo...but the interesting thing is, if the same person who scoffed looked at her photo...(s)he too would be inspired. I love her blog because it reminds me everyday that the world really is a beautiful place...

As one of her adroit commentators posted, her bedroom calls to mind something Alice in Wonderland would sleep in...complete with hand painted pink walls, vintage collections throughout, and...vintage teacups <3...le sigh...

The site also features a Parisian girl's guide to several major cities...Paris included.

Kittie, this picture is for you especially!

Enjoy your weekend everyone...I hope you check out Alix's blog, and that it inspires you to see the beauty that surrounds you every day. It certainly does for me.

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